About this policy

Defining specific terms

  • “Waters Lawyers” means Waters Lawyers Pty Ltd.
    • “We” and “us” refer to Waters Lawyers and “our” has a similar meaning.
    • “Privacy information” includes personal information and sensitive information.
    • “APPs” refer to the Australian Privacy Principles incorporated in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Purpose of this policy

  • Waters Lawyers is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
  • The Waters Lawyers Privacy Policy explains in general terms how our organisation protects the privacy of information in compliance with Australian privacy law.
  • Our Privacy Policy does not apply to acts and practices of Waters Lawyers which relate directly to current and former employee records of Waters Lawyers.

How Waters Lawyers collects your privacy information

In all cases Waters Lawyers collects privacy information by lawful and fair means.  In most circumstances, Waters Lawyers collects your privacy information directly from you.   As an example, we may collect privacy information about you when you correspond with us via telephone, facsimile, email or letter or when you contact us in person.  Typically, the privacy information we collect about you includes your name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address.

The purpose for which we may collect, hold, use and disclose information

Waters Lawyers collects personal information only where reasonably necessary for one or more of the functions and activities connected to the operations of our law firm.  We collect personal information for the primary purpose of providing clients with legal advice;

While individuals generally have a right to remain anonymous, in most circumstances this right does not apply when you seek legal advice or representation, as it is usually impracticable for us to provide legal advice to you without knowing your true identity.  If you choose to not give your privacy information to us we may not be able to provide you with legal advice.

How Waters Lawyers utilises or discloses your information

Generally, Waters Lawyers uses and discloses privacy information only for the primary purpose for which we collect it.  As an example, if you provide us with privacy information in the course of instructing us to give legal advice or run litigation, we may disclose this information to barristers or experts engaged in any matter to which you are a party.

We may also use privacy information for a secondary purpose related to the primary purpose for which you would reasonably expect us to use the collected information, unless an exception applies.  An example of an exception is where Waters Lawyers reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal or equitable claim.

We will not disclose privacy information collected by us to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to direct market any products and services to you.

Direct marketing

We may use your personal information to provide you with updates on areas of law and information about our services, unless you request not to receive such communications from us.

Waters Lawyers’ use of cookies

When you visit our website – www.waterslawyers.com.au, our server attaches a small data file called a “cookie” to your computer’s memory.

Cookies are pieces of information that may be transferred to your computer’s memory when you visit a website for record keeping purposes.  Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies.  If you do not wish to receive any cookies from us, you should set your web browser to refuse cookies.

At Waters Lawyers, we use cookies to provide us with aggregate (anonymous) information on how people use our website, and to help us to know what they find interesting and useful on our website.  We do not link this information to your identity or to any other information provided by you. There is no information identifying you stored inside any cookies.

Below is our list of cookies used on the website:


 Collection of anonymous information via our website

As most website owners and operators do, Waters Lawyers tracks usage patterns on our website on an anonymous aggregate basis.  Each time you visit our website – www.waterslawyers.com.au, a web server makes a record of your visit.

Specifically, it records your:

  • internet Service Provider;
    • date and time of your visit;
    • pages accessed and the documents downloaded;
    • search items entered; and
    • referring URLs (universal locators).

Lodging a complaint

Should you wish to complain about a potential breach of this Privacy Policy or the APPs please contact Simon Varszeghy of Waters Lawyers Pty Ltd.